That way we can see if the sea-based ABMD (or THAAD on land) works against North Korea’s missiles being dropped in the Sea of Japan. If Kim Jong-Un sees his missiles being destroyed without incident, perhaps he will rethink his military options.

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NBC NEWS APR 19 2017, 5:35 AM ET
U.S. May Not Be Able to Shoot Down North Korean Missiles, Say Experts
“They are leading political leaders to believe that they have a military capability that they don’t, in fact, have,” says physicist David Wright, who has studied the program for years as co-director of the Global Security Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists.
…The system has still not been tested against realistic targets such as tumbling warheads, warheads accompanied by credible decoys, or warheads traveling at speeds and from distances similar to that of incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs),” the Union of Concerned Scientists report said. “Nearly 15 years after the GMD system was put on the fast track, the Pentagon’s own testing officials have said the system has not demonstrated an operationally useful capability to defend the U.S. public from a missile attack.”
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