2013 Sarin Gas Attack in Syria
These are two of Donald Trump’s many comments following the August 2013 Sarin attack by Bashar al-Assad which killed more than ten times the number of people than the most recent.

Deputy assistant to President Donald Trump, Sebastian Gorka, said Friday that, “Trump’s past tweets arguing against military action in Syria shouldn’t be held against him because Trump wasn’t president then.”
Donald Trump must not be allowed to weasel his way out of these comments by backroom writers and administration staff “clarifying” his comments and tweets. He said it over and over again; clearly he meant it. And, in the 2013 Sarin attack more than ten times the number of people died.
In October 2012, Trump suggested a military strike in the Middle East would boost Obama’s approval ratings.

Hillary Clinton “wants to start a shooting war in Syria… that could very well lead to World War III,” Trump said in Florida days before Election Day, 2016.