Those workers who die, in 2017, with an estate worth more than $5.49 million will rest in peace.
Or, might it be more likely to benefit Donald Trump’s family?
Those workers who die, in 2017, with an estate worth more than $5.49 million will rest in peace.
Or, might it be more likely to benefit Donald Trump’s family?
The question is, “Does Trump belong in The Bigly House or just The Big House?”
Odds for impeachment are now 11-10. Other questions arise such as, “Is Trump manipulating the stock market?”—attacks on Lockheed-Martin and Boeing followed by a visit to Boeing’s SC plant.
The only “Fake News” that I have found came from Trump, Conway, or Spicer!
Trump’s administration promises:
How do they plan to pay for that with less income from taxes?